HP ENTERPRISE HPE 2Y PW TC Ess wDMR DL580 Gen9 SVC ProLiant DL580 Gen9 2 Year PW Tech Care Essential Hardware Only Support With Defective Media Retention
HPE 2Y PW TC Ess wDMR DL580 Gen9 SVC ProLiant DL580 Gen9 2 Year PW Tech Care Essential Hardware Only Support With Defective Media Retention
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 4Y TC Ess wCDMR MSA 2060 Stg SVC MSA 2060 Arrays 4 Year Tech Care EssentialHardware and Software Support With CompDefective Matl Retention
HPE 4Y TC Ess wCDMR MSA 2060 Stg SVC MSA 2060 Arrays 4 Year Tech Care EssentialHardware and Software Support With CompDefective Matl Retention
HP ENTERPRISE HP 4y CTR CDMR HP MSR4044 Router FC SVCHP MSR4044 Router 24x7 HW support w CDMR and 6 Hr Call-to- Repair. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
HP 4y CTR CDMR HP MSR4044 Router FC SVCHP MSR4044 Router 24x7 HW support w CDMR and 6 Hr Call-to- Repair. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 2Y PW TC Ess wDMR MSA 2052 Stg SVC MSA 2052 Arrays 2 Year PW Tech Care Essential Hardware and Software Support WithDefective Media Retention
HPE 2Y PW TC Ess wDMR MSA 2052 Stg SVC MSA 2052 Arrays 2 Year PW Tech Care Essential Hardware and Software Support WithDefective Media Retention
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 1Y PW TC Crit wDMR DL580 G10 wOV SVCProLiant DL580 Gen10 wOV1 Year PW Tech Care Critical Hardware and Software Support With Defective Media Retention
HPE 1Y PW TC Crit wDMR DL580 G10 wOV SVCProLiant DL580 Gen10 wOV1 Year PW Tech Care Critical Hardware and Software Support With Defective Media Retention
HP ENTERPRISE HP 3y NBDProatCare 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP Svc 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP 3y r Proactive Care Svc Next Bus Day HW supp w9x5 coverage.SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Pro
HP 3y NBDProatCare 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP Svc 5900CP-48XG-4QSFP 3y r Proactive Care Svc Next Bus Day HW supp w9x5 coverage.SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Pro
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 5Y FC 4H Exch Aruba 5406R zl2 Sw SVCAruba 5406R zl2 Switch24x7 HW support with 4 hour HW exchange. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
HPE 5Y FC 4H Exch Aruba 5406R zl2 Sw SVCAruba 5406R zl2 Switch24x7 HW support with 4 hour HW exchange. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 4Y PC 24x7 OneView BL 16-Svr SVC One View BL 16-Svr 4 year Proactive Care Svc.Incl Proactive/Reactive Svc. SoftwareSupport with Std 2h remote Response cove
HPE 4Y PC 24x7 OneView BL 16-Svr SVC One View BL 16-Svr 4 year Proactive Care Svc.Incl Proactive/Reactive Svc. SoftwareSupport with Std 2h remote Response cove
HP ENTERPRISE HPE 5Y TC Bas wCDMR MSA2060 LFF Encl SVC MSA 2060 LFF Enclosures 5 Year Tech Care Basic Hardware Only Support With CompDefective Matl Retention
HPE 5Y TC Bas wCDMR MSA2060 LFF Encl SVC MSA 2060 LFF Enclosures 5 Year Tech Care Basic Hardware Only Support With CompDefective Matl Retention
HP ENTERPRISE HP 4y Nbd HP 6602-G Router pdt FC SVC HP 6602-G Router products 9x5 HW support next business day onsite response. 9x5 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligib
HP 4y Nbd HP 6602-G Router pdt FC SVC HP 6602-G Router products 9x5 HW support next business day onsite response. 9x5 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligib
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